Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Well Let's Begin

 Well let me start with a hello.
Not sure whom I'm talking to, not sure if anyone but myself will ever see these posts but I'm willing to countinue on for the sake of boredom.
I'm Cora, Cpra, Sora, Oriel, etc etc... Lots of names, I only go by one and thats Cora but by all means feel free to call me what you like as long as it's not offending.
I myself am a half way artist. I say 'half way' because I'm not a beginner but nor am I by any means a pro when it comes to my favorite trade and passion; Drawing.
Thats so distracting... Theres this damned moth flitting about...
But anyways where was I? Oh yeah, Drawing.
I'm not all that bad, here take a look.
It's not the best thing I've ever drawn but it's good enough for now. I'll have more to show when I feel like it later.
For now,
A bid you all a good solid farewell for a bottle of Fruit Punch Sodie is calling my name.

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