Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Downfalls of Being a one Woman Show

Been thinking of linking this to my DA so I can get some followers but at the same time it's like...I don't want people to read this stuff which is why this blog is so awesome because no ones reading it. It's like me writing little notes to myself. But still, I should probably link this to my DA...

Been working out the kinks in the 'Fly Girl' plot.
Going through the same old same old when it comes to me and plot: character motives, plot holes, and time span.
Musca Domestica as the main character has probably been the easiest to move along. She's not a very complicated character as it were, she tries her hardest to acheive her goals and is just generally a nice girl. Her reactions to the world around her a pretty predictable, its just creating that world that sticks me in the side.
Folk, the male main, has become something of a troublesome kid. In their original storyline I came up with back in 2010, he was like a super average guy who managed a café and happened to be spirited away into some crazy dark world by Musca. In 'Fly Girl' though, the dude is in over his head in debt and contracts and is like the master of weaseling out of everything and anything. I'd like for him to keep some of his past character traits from the old plot line but I'm not sure how to incorproate 'average dude who is bored with life' together with 'street wise kid who's constantly running from police and casino owners'... It's just like argh, what do I do?

Anooother harder character to protray would be Congrua Spilosoma, the villain. Because she's insane. Most of my female characters that have ever been extremely mentally ill or demented are like the 'I could stab you in the face at any time' or 'I'm constantly screaming at nothing' types... Very obviously crazy. Congrua's not like that. She's supposed to be very clever, but greedy. A type of evil you don't really see coming but in the back of your head you feel it. She's very controlling, to the point where it's unnatural, and the lengths she goes to get what she wants are extreme.
But her first appearances are supposed to show her as a very calm, almost serene type of character with a hidden agenda.
Trying to force all that into one character is both hard and easy. Sometimes she just sort of comes to me, and other times I'm having to force her to dance. She's a stubborn one, thats for damn true. -_-
It just kind of sucks when you're the author and artist of your story. Cause while you have complete control over everything going in and out of it, you also don't have any help. Especially when you're nobody kid like me and there's no cool people to say 'omg, it'd be so cool if you did this or that!'

I'm still making mini storyboards, it's just like...Bleh. Trying to catch up with school too. This summer though.... Ohhh this summer. I'm going to be havin' some fun.

I think next time I'll throw up some of my storyboards too. Make me feel accomplished although I've done nothing. XD

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