Monday, April 1, 2013

Real Convention Experience

Thought I'd write a little bit about my experience at Evillecon last weekend. It was insane. Like, I was in this state of happy panic and shock all weekend.

I had a table in the artist alley and was selling my art for the first time ever. By noon on Friday I was seriously starting to think I really was a horrible artist... People would walk by the table, glance at my art, then sort of walk away and as I went through this process I could feel my heart rise and rise and then drop through ice. It was maddening.
Especially since I was sharing my table with this really great artist I know whose work is ten times better than mine and at professional level. So yeah, I expected people to sort of side step me and go to her, which happened for about four hours.
And then around four five, people starting buying things from me. It was like the amazing experience, I did on site commissions and let me just say my brain was frying itself. Everybody kept coming up and asking for commissions or just swinging by to tell me my style was awesome or unique or just cool. I got literally no bad feed back except for one dude who when I told the prices of my stickers responded with 'no, I'm not buying cause I could just draw all this stuff myself. You're not half bad though'. I have never so seriously wanted to throw a table at someone. It was just the way he said it, I can't even...
But by Sunday I had to take down my on site commissions sign cause I was drowning in them. I had 20 in total, which I was told was a fairly decent amount for a first timer. I sold out of my baby fruit wolves prints, which I had about five of those and sold them five bucks per sheet, and out of my Company stickers...
It was a week ago and I'm still incredibly proud of myself... A year ago I would have never imagined myself actually selling my art at a convention or something...
This has been an amazing year so far, I can only hope it continues like this : )

Oh and the company sticker I sold out of is on the left and the Princess Pixie on the right did fairly well too (I sold 4 which was good because like no one bought my prints XD )
 I'm feeling guilty about those though, because I didn't originally want to make prints of it. One, because the fandom it's from wouldn't be known all that well around Evillecon, and two, I was afraid to try and sell fan arts because of copy rights and junk... I mean, I've had friends steal my art before so I'd never legit take someones art and call it my own, but still...
I was just so proud of 'Princess Pixie', it's the first time I ever digitally colored something from top to bottom and turn out decent so it's like...My baby... Not my character, no, but somehow my baby. Eh.

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